Serikbayev East Kazakhstan Technical University invites you to take part in the International Conference InterCarto. InterGIS 30 «GI support for sustainable development of regions in crisis»
- 1-3 October 2024, Ust-Kamenogorsk (Kazakhstan)
The conference aims to exchange of experience, discussion by leading experts of theoretical and methodological issues of geoinformation support of environmental, economic and social aspects of sustainable development of the territory, as well as expansion of international scientific and technical cooperation.
Conference Topics:
- Geoinformation support of sustainable regional development in crisis conditions: theory, methods, management practice
- New Methods and Approaches in Geoinformation Modelling and Data Analysis
- Remote Earth Research Methods
- Maps and GIS in socio-demographic research
- Maps and GIS in public health research
- Geoinformatics and Public Participation in Environmental Protection and Risk Management
- Geoinformation support for cultural and natural heritage preservation projects
- Geoinformation support for climate change studies
- Ecological and Sustainable Tourism
- Urban Ecology and Planning
- Maps and GIS in education and outreach activities
- Geoinformation support of sustainable development of the Caucasus regions
- GIS in geology and mining
- GIS in technosphere safety
- Development of global targets and indicators for disaster risk management and early warning in Central Asia using modern geographic information systems
- Modern methods of cartographic geovisualization
Publication: InterCarto, InterGIS – indexed in the Scopus database, 26th percentile
The conference will include a school-seminar for young scientists on the topic of “Geoinformation and cartographic support for socio-geographical research”, as well as an excursion on October 2 and 3, 2024.
To join, please register online via the conference website at
Register by September 15, 2024.
Working Languages: English, Kazakh, Russian
International Conference InterCarto. InterGIS 30 |
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For any inquiries, please don't hesitate to contact:
- + 7 705 523 87 86 - Assylkhanova Zhanna (subdean)
- +7 777 147 69 06 - Toguzova Marzhan (associated professor)
- e-mail: