D. Serikbaev East Kazakhstan state technical university participated in the kick-off meeting concerning international project “Sustainable Mobility Research in Central Asia” that was held at Technical university of Berlin in cooperation with Volkswagen foundation on March 26-27, 2018
Our university was represented by PhD Alina Kim, senior lecturer of the sub-department “Technological machines and transport”. Besides, Professor Talant Ryspaev, vice rector-director of the Department for international cooperation and internationalization participated in the meeting as an expert.
The following issues were discussed during the kick-off meeting:
- conditions for participation in the projects,
- the topics of the researches that will be carried out within the project realization in 2017-2019.
Participation of EKSTU in this international project provides the opportunity for our master and doctorate students, as well as for academic and teaching staff to carry out researches in the chosen directions, to have research stays in Germany for 3 months, to publish the results of the researches in scientific journals of Kazakhstan and far abroad, and to take part in Summer Schools that will be organized in three countries of Central Asia (Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, and Uzbekistan) and Iran. The project “Sustainable Mobility Research in Central Asia” is financed by Volkswagen foundation and coordinated by International technology postgraduate school Oskemen at EKSTU.