Minor discipline «Production of building materials»

Civil and industrial construction is recognized as one of the priority areas of the development strategy of Kazakhstan.

Every specialist who takes part in modern construction should know the modern nomenclature of building materials, their physical and mechanical, technological properties. This will give him the opportunity to correctly use building materials, to know their possible substitution without loss of quality of the constructed structure.

The booming construction industry, caused by the urbanization of recent years, entailed the need to increase the growth of production of building materials, products and structures.

The use of imported building materials and products in the domestic construction market causes a rise in the cost of erection of buildings and structures. To solve this problem, new enterprises were opened in the country for the production of domestic building materials and products. Today they need specialists who know the technology of production.

The main structural materials and products, such as concrete, reinforced concrete, ceramic stones and bricks, must be produced directly in the areas of mass construction, since their import is very difficult and not economical. Therefore, to ensure successful, uninterrupted civil and industrial construction, each region and city must have its own technologists who know how, using local raw materials, to produce high-quality products, making them cheaper using local industrial waste.


Purpose:  is to train highly qualified specialists who are well aware of the theoretical and practical information about each building material, the specifics of the quality characteristics of raw materials; features and properties of materials; manufacturing technology with the rational use of raw materials, fuel and energy and other material resources.

Specialist’s competencies map Core competencies being formed Learning outcomes
The ability to carry out professional activities with the ability to navigate in the variety of modern building materials, to know their classification and labeling, functional, operational properties, manufacturing technology, scope of application To be able to rationally choose building material for various structures, to design the composition of basic building materials; carry out the correct transportation and storage of materials; to control, evaluate and forecast the state of the material in operated structures
Have an idea of raw materials, technological schemes, physical and chemical processes occurring in the manufacture of building materials.



Courses for minor majors:


  • Labor input:  15 credits
  • Prerequisites:  no
  • Minimum number of listeners:  10
  • Maximum number of listeners:  100