p12The open curatorial hour was held on the theme "The new generation chooses healthy way of life" at the Economics and Management Department. It was organized in order to prevent alcoholism, drug addiction, and also to promote healthy lifestyle. Deputy Dean in the field of academic work Aubakirova Zh.S., Deputy Dean in the field of educational work Erezhepova S.K., Head of Finance, Accounting and Taxation sub-department Kuur O.V., the senior Lecturer of this sub-department Suyeubaeva S.N., and also curator Urgusheva S.S. took part in this event.

To crown it all, students made the conclusion that active movements, balanced nutrition, fresh air, proper rest, absence of bad habits are necessary for our health. Our health is in our hands!

Each person should keep himself healthy. Human is a master of his destiny, happiness and health.

The senior curator Urgusheva S.S.