
Prices for accommodation with 3 meals a day for the summer season:

Month Data

The price per adult per day with 3 meals a day.

" LUXURY " with all amenities.

Children from 6 to 12 years old With 3 meals a day.

" LUXURY " with all amenities.

Children under 6 years

old "LUXURY" with all amenities.


from 01.06. to 20.06.

20 days.

4500 tenge.

from an adult

4000 tenge.

with the provision of a separate bed.

Free accommodation without providing a separate place.

1,500 tenge. - meals per day at the request of the parents themselves.


from 21.06 to 30.06.

10 days.

6000 tenge.

from an adult

5000 tenge.

with the provision of a separate bed.

Free accommodation without providing a separate place.

1,500 tenge. - meals per day at the request of the parents themselves.

The services of vacationers are provided free of charge: Covered Parking, sports and children's playgrounds. Trampoline. Table tennis, teen mini-football, volleyball, basketball, badminton and other various board games. For fishing enthusiasts, we organize Fisherman's Days on a paid basis. We provide the necessary equipment (rubber boats, fishing rods, life jackets, etc.).

Free transportation of vacationers to various beaches and therapeutic mud.

July- August.

с 1.07. по 10.08.
41 день.

8000 tenge.

from an adult

6000 tenge.

with the provision of a separate bed..

Free accommodation without providing a separate place.

1,500 tenge. - meals per day at the request of the parents themselves.



с 11.08. по31.08.
21 день.

5500 tenge.

from an adult

5000 tenge.

with the provision of a separate bed.

Free accommodation without providing a separate place.

1,500 tenge. - meals per day at the request of the parents themselves.сутки по желанию самих родителей.


The rooms have: Bathroom (H / C water, shower, toilet, sink), TV, air conditioning, etc. For organizations we provide a 10% discount

Dear colleagues!

Summer season in sports and recreation camp

"Prostor" named after A.K. Sidorov is open!!!

On the territory of the recreation area for you:

  • Houses of the "Standard" category - 1,500 tenge for one bed per day;
  • Houses of the category "Improved" - 2,000 tenge for one bed per day;
  • Hotel complex:

- 2-bed room per day – 5,000 tenge.

- Junior suite per day – 10,000 tenge.

- Luxury per day – 15,000 tenge.

  • Sauna + swimming pool;
  • Bathhouse;
  • Beach;
  • Boat trips;
  • Children's playground;
  • Motor boat rental;
  • Banquet hall in the form of a yurt decorated in the national style for 20-25 seats;
  • A cot decorated in oriental style;
  • Gazebos;
  • Entertainment activities;
  • Discos and more!!!

Arrivals - every Monday!

Round trip fare: 800 tenge per person.

The cost of parking vehicles: 700 tenge for 7 days.

For questions about the purchase of vouchers, contact the cabinet

G-1-108 or by phone 87764270303.


Spend this summer with us!

Summer, sea, space!


In Kazakhstan , on May day,

I am not too lazy to congratulate men,

Good health and goodness to all,

Protect you always!

And you will save from troubles,

There is no better you in the world,

Be stylish always,

Never get sick!

The Trade union committee congratulates our men and invites them to receive gifts!!!

G-1-233 in front of the museum on May 4 from 10.00 to 11.00.

On May 5 from 10.00 to 11.00.